Welcome Back to the Hellmouth

A slightly bananas idea I had to rewatch (for the third or fourth or fifth or seventeenth time, episode depending) Buffy the Vampire Slayer — exactly 20 years after each episode’s original airdate.

buffy Molly Templeton buffy Molly Templeton

Welcome Back to the Hellmouth: "What's My Line"

This two-parter was Marti Noxon’s first appearance as a writer for the show. Her episodes are not universally perfect (“Bad Eggs” is rushing down the pike at us), and Noxon took a lot of the blame for the things fans hated about season six… But given how often I’ve noticed that Buffy’s weakest episodes are written by, well, men, Noxon’s appearance here, in a two-parter dedicated to bolstering Buffy’s sense of chosen-one self-worth, is more than notable; it’s a sort of signpost, indicating the kind of influence Noxon will have on the show as the seasons progress.

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