Welcome Back to the Hellmouth

A slightly bananas idea I had to rewatch (for the third or fourth or fifth or seventeenth time, episode depending) Buffy the Vampire Slayer — exactly 20 years after each episode’s original airdate.

buffy Molly Templeton buffy Molly Templeton

Welcome Back to the Hellmouth: "The Pack"

And in its own very first-season way, “The Pack” is so Buffy. The show didn’t really excel until it stepped out of the “make a high school thing monstrous” zone, but these early episodes do serve as a kind of worldbuilding baseline. You never know what you’re dealing with in Sunnydale. It might just be Cordelia—or it might be a gang of apparent 30-year-olds in the most astonishing ‘90s fashion, possessed by hyena spirits and ready for lunch.

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