Welcome Back to the Hellmouth

A slightly bananas idea I had to rewatch (for the third or fourth or fifth or seventeenth time, episode depending) Buffy the Vampire Slayer — exactly 20 years after each episode’s original airdate.

buffy Molly Templeton buffy Molly Templeton

Welcome Back to the Hellmouth: "The Dark Age"

Joyce gets left out too often in early Buffy, which is less than ideal but also understandable from a Slayer perspective; she and Buffy have already had 16 years to try to see each other as people, and we’re picking that up mid-process. The Slayer is busy finding her Slayer footing, and looking to her Watcher for advice and guidance. And she has to come to see her Watcher as a full, flawed human—a human who’s made mistakes, and reinvented himself, and may continue to do both—as well.

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