Welcome Back to the Hellmouth

A slightly bananas idea I had to rewatch (for the third or fourth or fifth or seventeenth time, episode depending) Buffy the Vampire Slayer — exactly 20 years after each episode’s original airdate.

buffy Molly Templeton buffy Molly Templeton

Welcome Back to the Hellmouth: "Angel"

Angel, when it comes right down to it, introduces the complexity that eventually leads the show to season six and the trio and the horrible problem of monsters who are also just people. We’re a long way from that, at this point. But he’s a bug in the system, in the Slayer mythology that says what she does is right and what they do is wrong. He’s helped her and cared about her and sure, been mysterious and annoying, but generally, it’s seemed clear that he’s a good guy. Just a good guy with fangs.

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